Finding Your Soulmate - Should You Wait Or Start Looking?
Monday, November 1, 2010
Are you stuck in a love rut? Are you having a tough time finding the right one? Are you tired of kissing too many frogs and are ready for one exceptional man or woman to finally come into your life? Have you ever met someone or been in a relationship with someone you thought was your soulmate, only to find out that you were wrong? Are you pondering questions like: "How long do I have to wait?" or "Do I need to start making a move?". Does it seem to you that all the good men and women are taken? If you are nodding your head now, I know exactly what it feels like, because just like you, I have been in this situation.
Sometimes we just coast along hoping for that special someone to just come along. But you know what, if you are waiting and hoping for magic, if you are a big fan of the send it to the universe, and if you keep waiting for that someone to knock on your door, then I feel that you are in for a big disappointment. While it is healthy to believe in fate, it is also practical to be proactive in finding your soulmate and creating your own destiny. Yes, eventually, you will find the person you have always wanted as a part of your life, but not without effort on your part.
Sure, we all yearn and dream about meeting the one that we are meant to be with forever. Sometimes finding your match can be just like a dream. But why not start dating? The journey of finding your match begins with dating. But while dating is a useful experience, it is not advisable to go out with anyone just to have fun and because you are sick and tired of being alone. When you go out on a date, it is extremely important that you seize this opportunity to see if that person carries the qualities you are looking for. When you realize that it wont lead to something you have been waiting and dreaming of, then obviously that person isn't your soulmate. Continuing to date that someone just because you don't want to hurt his/her feelings will only hold you back from meeting who you are really meant to be with. So do yourself a favor, it would be best to stop seeing each other to prevent any misleading expectations.
The pursuit for that soulmate is really a quest for wholeness, a completion of oneself. Others think that a soulmate is a piece of your soul that was placed within another person, which is why you spend your life looking for that other half. Finding that someone to whom we feel profoundly connected with is pretty tough. You may have met someone and are feeling affection for that person, now you're wondering if that person you are having those feelings about is your soulmate. So how do you know if that someone is your soulmate? Some say you recognize this someone with such an intense sense of intimacy, that the connection is divine, deep and very powerful. You would know you have found your soulmate when you see yourself looking back through his/her eyes.
Relax! I'm pretty sure you’ll meet your soulmate when the time is right for both of you. Don’t be discouraged just because your attempts have not worked in the past. In order to achieve a blissful happily ever after, it is essential to look inside you. Your soulmate is a reflection of your soul. We meet true love when we truly love ourselves. We meet people who understand us when we truly understand ourselves. The journey to your soulmate will start with the journey to your own soul. Sooner or later, your soulmate will come along, that I know for sure.
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